Okay, so the weather is crazy today!! We are supposed to be getting 10 inches of snow and my friend Judi, most awesome person in the world, said this is the most snow she has seen in the 18 years she's been in Dallas. It's a really wet and heavy snow. Hunter and I went out earlier and the snow was weighing down all the trees. We had to get to sonic between 2-4pm for our half price drink!! We thought about heading out of town since we knew there would be no school tomorrow either but we couldn't decide if we should go to Fayetteville or Big Cedar Lodge so we just decided to hang around here. We got a bunch of movies and thought we'd just laugh our heads off by the fire tonight instead!
The picture above is outside my back door. It reminds me so much of Narnia it's crazy. I have been sitting in the window all day dreaming that it was Narnia and so want to go find the light post. I keep asking the boys if thats Mr. Tummus I see. They can't quit making fun of me but I don't care.
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