Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Okay, so one thing I love about this new season of life and all my classes being online is that I have my morning again. I make my coffee, grab a cup, grab all my books, and start in. For some people who know me deeply they know that I love to sit with all my books and just read little bits here and there, look up scripture references, and then journal. It might be one of my favorite things in the world.

I recently got this new book. I have spent a lot of time hunting this one down. Finally find it on Amazon but then they had to connect to someone outside who then sent it to me personally so the whole process took a while. It was worth it!! I love this book!!

Along with starting this one I am back in Desiring God by John Piper. Every single morning I seem to flip back to page 74 with these beautiful words. I have to share them with you.

" There is the fruit of daily gladness that Paul speaks of in Romans 15:13: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing." Here joy and peace flow from faith into the whole of life. In conversion we find the hidden Treasure of the kingdom of God. We venture all on it. And year after year in the struggle of life, we prove the value of the treasure again and again, and we discover depths of riches we had never known. And so the joy of faith grows. When Christ calls us to a new act of obedience that will cost us some temporal pleasure, we call to mind the surpassing value of following Him, and by faith in His proven worth, we forsake the worldly pleasure. The result? More joy! More faith! Deeper than before. And so we go on from joy to joy and faith to faith.
Behind the repentance that turns away from sin, and behind the faith that embraces Christ, is the birth of a new taste, a new longing, a new passion for the pleasure of God's presence. This is the root of conversion."

Have a blessed day!!!


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