Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wrestling it out

This is my little place that each morning I sit on my little trunk at the end of my bed and have my time with God. Something that Beth Moore and Matt Chandler both say quite a bit is to “wrestle it out with God.” I think about that a lot. Beth Moore talks about us having questions, not hiding our disappointments and devastations but just asking God to help us through them. I’ve had my share of disappointments and I have been devastated before, not that long ago, but here’s the thing. It takes time and as you walk through that time you want your character to be strengthened.

The picture of my last devastation and one that I am still healing from has not been pretty. There have been times I have just kinda looked back and said, “did I really just do that, is that really the way I just responded?"

Here’s the truth. God’s will for our lives are filled with sanctification, submission, and suffering. Through all of this we are called to obey. To do it as graceful as possible and with thanksgiving for God’s great mercy.

This is a great word from Beth. Just a quick two minutes. Take the time!!


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