Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bible Study!!!

So excited that tonight starts our new fall bible study and God has blessed me with 15 beautiful women that I get to journey with in this time. I am sure I will post a pic of my ladies as soon as I get home. I'll be way too excited not to share.

As I prepare for this evening and have been praying over my list of women and just what role I will have in each of their lives I couldn't help but think of the wonderful note from R C Sproul. It is such a wonderful word about God's love. To shine a fraction of this love would be more than I could comprehend but am pressing toward...

Imitating the Father

from R.C. Sproul

If we are to search out the depths and riches of the meaning of God’s love, we can approach our quest in two ways. We can work from the top down or from the bottom up. By working from the top down, we can focus on everything the Bible says about the character of God’s love, seeing the full expression of the declaration that “God is love,” and then seeing how that dimension of God’s character is to be reflected by His image-bearers.

Or we can proceed from the bottom up, reflecting on God’s commandments to us regarding love, and discern from this light of His law something of His own character that stands behind His law and out of which His perfect law proceeds.

The apostle Paul calls us to imitate God, which is carried out by walking in love (Eph. 5:1–2). Next, this imitation is viewed as an imitation of Christ—in that Christ, as the new Adam, perfectly demonstrates the character of the Father’s love. He is the Beloved of the Father. He is the supreme lover of God and lover of our souls as well. He shows love both in its vertical and horizontal relationships.

Coram Deo: Meditate today on God’s love and the supreme example of love, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Justin said...

So I finally made my way to your blog and read every post. Awesome stuff! Proud of you..love and miss ya!

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